The term refers to a difficulty with language. The client may have a communication impairment relating to understanding what people say (receptive aphasia). They may find it hard to find the words they want to say or put sentences together (expressive aphasia). Aphasia is common after a stroke or a acquired brain injury (ABI). Speech and language therapy for adults with aphasia can help restore or compensate for the difficulties experienced.
This term refers to a difficulty in coordinating speech sounds when putting them together to make a word. It is a common communication impairment after a stroke, TBI and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Speech and language therapy can help reduce and manage difficulties experienced.
Communication is a complex process, involving understanding spoken and written messages, managing conversations and social interaction. Communication impairment relating to these aspects is common after brain injury, some progressive diseases and stroke. Problems relate to cognitive deficits, such as impaired attention, memory, self-monitoring, judgement, and planning. Difficulties may be apparent in processing information and difficulties with verbal and non-verbal expression.
There may also be deficits in social cognition; for example, perception of one’s own and others’ emotion and regulating behaviour according to the situation. CCD can affect interpersonal relationships, a person’s communicative competence and cause difficulties with activities of daily living, and academic and work performance. Speech and language therapy can address these issues.
This communication impairment term relates to speech that may sound slurred, quiet or unclear. These difficulties may become more apparent as the day progresses or with increasing fatigue. Dysarthria is common after a stroke, TBI, PD and multiple sclerosis. Speech and language therapy can help alleviate difficulties and identify strategies to manage challenges.
LSVT LOUD, is a unique, extensively researched, evidenced based, speech and language therapy treatment programme, successful at improving vocal loudness in adults with PD. More recent research has shown promising results when LSVT LOUD is used to address communication impairment in MS and stroke. LSVT speech therapy for adults is a very effective treatment approach.
Considered the gold standard for speech treatment for people with PD, it is never too early to begin treatment. LSVT LOUD may help pre-empt problems, keeping voice and speech strong. It is an intensive approach delivered in a total of 16 sessions, with 4 consecutive sessions a week over a 30 day period, with daily home practice and carry over tasks bolted on to truly exercise the speech production system and instill lasting effects. I am a certified LSVT LOUD clinician.
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